Silhouette of a woman standing on a pier stretching her arms out in front of the sunrise and the ocean.

How to Create Your Own Powerful Morning Routine

Why Have A Morning Routine?   Most successful people have a morning routine that they follow every day, that sets them up for the day ahead. It energises them and prepares them mentally for what’s to come. I think this is a great idea – do something that makes you feel refreshed or energised, review […]

Traditional Christmas market in the snow with illuminated stalls, a church with a spire and a snow-covered christmas tree in the foreground.

50 Christmas Blog Post Ideas

It’s always a challenge to come up with original ideas for your Christmas blog posts, as it seems like everything has already been done. But you can always adapt Christmas blogging ideas by putting your own slant on them, and choosing ones that will work especially well for your niche. So I thought I’d put […]

Crowd of people walking down a steep street towards us. It's a sunny day and there is bunting over the street suggesting a festival.

15 Tips to Grow your Blog Traffic

Once you’ve published your perfectly hand-crafted blog posts, you want everyone to read them, don’t you?  Whether you’re just starting a blog or you’re an old hand at blogging, here are 15 ideas on how to spread the word about your blog, and get people reading your latest posts: 1. SEO SEO is one of […]

Very modern looking glass desk with a plant and a blue chair sitting on a striped rug in a room with two windows.

9 Dream Home Office Design Ideas

What do you need to create your dream home office? Your home office doesn’t have to look like a cubicle at a corporation or a kitchen table hastily placed in the corner of a room. Your home office should reflect your personality and make you feel comfortable and inspired! You don’t need acres of space […]

Young woman wearing grey sportswear, standing on a sidewalk, bending over and touching her toes with one arm.

How to Stay Healthy When Working From Home

It’s all too easy to give up on your fitness when you’re working from home. Because you don’t have to leave the house every morning, it’s easy to get out of the habit of going to the gym or walking in the park. The good news is that there are lots of ways to stay […]

Young dark-haired woman looking at a bright orange piggy bank with blue flowers on it.

10 Awesome Monthly Budget Printables

Do you have that awful sinking feeling each month when the bills come in? Will there be enough money in my account at the end of the month? Can I afford to pay all the bills? Do I have any money left over for treats this month? If those questions sound familiar, chances are you […]

Close-up of a smartphone screen showing app icons. In focus are icons for social networks Facebook and Twitter.

How to Stop Social Media Wasting Your Time

These days you’ll see loads of information on the web about the problems caused by social media: unrealistic life expectations, FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), cyberbullying, unhealthy sleep patterns and more.  However, I think the biggest problem is the huge waste of time (and opportunity) due to people spending too much time on their social […]

Woman wearing a black-and-floral patterned dress working on a laptop in a coffee shop.
Corner desk with monitor and very modern looking chair on a polished wooden floor. The desk stands in front of an enormous window looking out over a spectacular view of a forest.
Mum sitting on sofa with toddler and baby. Toddler is holding an iPad that they're all looking at.